“Whereas Northumberland County's emergency management team is actively preparing for the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse event by coordinating with local agencies, law enforcement, and emergency responders to ensure readiness for any potential impacts; and
Whereas at the February 28, 2024 Town of Cobourg Council meeting, it was noted that the Town of Cobourg's Emergency Care Establishment Licensing By-law shall come into force and take effect as of March 28, 2024 unless an agreement deemed satisfactory to the Town is implemented with the County and Transition House by that date pertaining to 310 Division Street; and
Whereas notwithstanding the outcome of negotiations between the County and the Town of Cobourg regarding an Emergency Shelter Agreement, maintaining current Emergency Management Evacuation Shelters is of critical importance;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That County Council having considered Report 2024-042 ‘Emergency Management Evacuation Shelter Services’, direct staff to request that the Town of Cobourg amend the By-law ‘to Licence, Regulate and Govern Emergency Care Establishments in the Town of Cobourg’, to exempt Emergency Reception Centres and Evacuation Shelters.”