The Corporation of the County of Northumberland

Community Health Committee


Virtual Meeting - Zoom Conference
Members Present:
  • Chair Gail Latchford
  • Councillor William Cane
  • Warden Robert Crate


Chair Gail Latchford called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.



  • Resolution 2021-10-04-652
    Moved byCouncillor William Cane
    Seconded byWarden Robert Crate

    "That the agenda for the October 4, 2021 Community Health Committee be approved."



  • no disclosures



  • Resolution 2021-10-04-653
    Moved byWarden Robert Crate
    Seconded byCouncillor William Cane

    "That the Community Health Committee receive the delegation and presentation from the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre 'Building on the Best' Expansion Campaign, for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive the power point presentation for information."





  • Resolution 2021-10-04-654
    Moved byCouncillor William Cane
    Seconded byWarden Robert Crate

    "That the Community Health Committee receive the correspondence from the Municipality of Trent Lakes regarding 'OHIP Eye Care' for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive the correspondence for information."

  • Resolution 2021-10-04-655
    Moved byWarden Robert Crate
    Seconded byCouncillor William Cane

    "That the Community Health Committee receive the correspondence from the Town of Greater Napanee regarding 'Lyme Disease Awareness' for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive the correspondence for information."



  • Resolution 2021-10-04-656
    Moved byWarden Robert Crate
    Seconded byCouncillor William Cane

    Whereas the Community Health Committee reviewed Report No. 2021-155 requesting Council support and to advocate to the Province for eligibility regarding funding for the Community Paramedic – Long Term Care Program (CP- LTC) for Northumberland Paramedics; and
    Whereas municipalities that had Community Paramedic programs in place prior to 2019 were eligible to apply for CP LTC Funding in Phase 1 and Phase 2; and

    Whereas Northumberland County has since established a successful Community Paramedic program in 2020; 

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Committee recommend that County Council advocate for and request funding from Ontario’s Community Paramedic and Long-Term Care program, for Northumberland Paramedics.”

  • Resolution 2021-10-04-657
    Moved byCouncillor William Cane
    Seconded byChair Gail Latchford

    Whereas the legislative response time standard submission timeline requirements are established by Regulation 257/00 Part Vlll under the Ambulance Act; and 
    Whereas the Ministry of Health requires the annual response time standards “Plan” to be submitted to the Field Office by October 31, and response time “actuals” for previous year by March 31; and
    Whereas any adjustments to the Response Time Plan shall be made prior to the October 31 submission for the performance measure in the subsequent year;
    Be It Resolved That the Community Health Committee receive Report No. 2021-156 ‘Response Time Performance Plan’ for 2022, for information; and
    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council approve the Response Time Performance Plan as presented.”


[Warden Crate left the meeting at 1:34 p.m.]

  • Resolution 2021-10-04-658
    Moved byChair Gail Latchford
    Seconded byCouncillor William Cane

    "That the Community Health Committee receive Report 2021-154 'Community Paramedicine - Clerical Support and Paramedic Team Lead' for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council approve the Ontario Health Team Northumberland (OHT-N) funding for the Community Paramedicine Program: Clerical Support and Community Paramedic Team Lead, for the duration of the 2021 fiscal year."

  • Resolution 2021-10-04-659
    Moved byCouncillor William Cane
    Seconded byChair Gail Latchford

    "That the Community Health Committee receive the Minutes from Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit Board of Directors' meetings, held on April 15, May 20 and June 17, for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive the Minutes for information."






  • Meeting adjourned at 1:36 p.m. 
No Item Selected