"That this Committee proceed with the next portion of the meeting being closed to the public at ______ a.m.; and
Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Sections 239.(2.b) and (2.d) in order to address matters pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees and labour relations or employee negotiations (Special Purposes Pay for identifiable employees as per Northumberland County Human Resources Compensation Policy 4.3.7), and that Jennifer Moore, Glenn Dees, Lisa Ainsworth, Maddison Mather, and Matthew Stergios remain present; and
* Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(2.h) in order to address matters pertaining to information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by another level of government regarding funding, and that Jennifer Moore, Susan Brown, Maddison Mather, and Matthew Stergios remain present."