The Corporation of the County of Northumberland
County Council Meeting

Council Chambers
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Virtual)

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Passcode: 314845

 Phone: 1-855-703-8985 Canada Toll-free





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This Council meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. The public is invited to attend in-person in Council Chambers. Alternatively, the public may view the Council meeting via live stream, join online, or join by phone using Zoom Conference technology. If you have any questions, please email

  • Attend in-person in Council Chambers, located at 555
    Courthouse Road, Cobourg
  • Watch a livestream by visiting
  • Join online using Zoom
  • Join by phone using Zoom








  • Recommended Motion

    "That the County Council Agenda for Wednesday, June 19, 2024 be approved."





Jason St-Pierre, CEO 
Lisa Severson, Director of Communications

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the presentation from the Eastern Ontario Regional Network regarding 'EORN Update' for information."

[The Council Procedural By-law allows for delegations at Standing Committees only. Council will need to approve hearing delegations at the June 19, 2024 Council meeting]

[Presentation was added to the agenda prior to the meeting]


  • Recommended Motion

    "That the minutes of the County Council Session of May 15, 2024 and Special County Council of June 7, 2024 be approved as distributed and the determinations contained therein be deemed those of Council."




  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the correspondence from the Eastern Ontario Regional Network regarding 'Improved Cell Service now Available in 21 Eastern Ontario Communities' for information."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adopt all recommendations from the six Standing Committees, as contained within the Committee Minutes (meetings held June 3, 4 and 5, 2024), with the exception of the following items (referenced from the Standing Committee Minutes), that will be held for discussion:



    And Further That the items listed above and held for separate discussion each require a separate resolution."

Rebecca Carman, Associate Director Housing & Homelessness
Neil Ellis, Housing Services Manager
Bill Smith, Homelessness Services Manager

[Presentation was added to the agenda prior to the meeting]

  • Recommended Motion

    "Whereas the Social Services Committee (June 5, 2024) recommended that staff bring forward a revised version of the Housing and Homelessness Plan Annual Report based on discussion at the June 5, 2024 Social Services Committee to the June 19, 2024 County Council meeting for Council’s consideration;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That County Council adopt the following:

    • That County Council direct staff to share a copy of this revised report with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and post the revised report on the County website for viewing by the general public."



[If required]


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 26-2024 being a By-law to enter into an agreement with one or more municipalities for the enforcement by the County of Northumberland of the provisions of the Building Code Act and Building Code related to Sewage Systems in those municipalities be introduced, deemed to be read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed this 19th of June, 2024."



Matthew Nitsch, Director Finance / Treasurer 
Richard Steiginga, Partner, Baker Tilly 

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the '2023 Financial Results' presentation, Management Report, Audit Reporting letter and Representation letter for information; and 

    Further That County Council approve the '2023 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements' and authorize the Warden and Director of Finance / Treasurer to sign the 'Management Report' section on behalf of Northumberland County."

Denise Marshall, Director Public Works

  • Recommended Motion

    That County Council, having considered Report 2024-081 ‘RFQ 24-02 County Road 64 Resurfacing Award’, award RFQ 24-02 (County Road 64 Resurfacing Tender) to IPAC Paving Limited in the amount of $1,775,368.15 (inclusive of provisional items and non-recoverable HST); and 

    Further That County Council approve the total remaining funding and any savings realized at project completion relative to the estimated total project cost of $1,950,368.15 remain in the County Road 64 project budget for the urban reconstruction in 2025/2026.”

Warden Brian Ostrander

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the verbal update, news release and '2024-2027 EOWC Strategic Plan' for information."

CAO Jennifer Moore

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the verbal update regarding the Northumberland CAOs' Committee for information."


  • Recommended Motion

    "Whereas the World Health Organization (2006), the United Nations (2008) and the Government of Ontario (2021) have recognized Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) as a global and local public health priority and to raise awareness, designated the 19th day of June every year as World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD); and

    Whereas the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO) recognizes SCD as an increasingly important medical issue in the province; and

    Whereas out of the estimated 6,500 Canadians affected by SCD, 3,500 live in Ontario; and

    Whereas over 65% of babies born with the disease nationally are born in the province of Ontario; and

    Whereas through education and awareness programs, Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO) is doing its part to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by the families with children, youth and adults living with Sickle Cell Disease;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2024 as 'World Sickle Cell Awareness Day / Ontario Sickle Cell Awareness Day' in Northumberland County.”





16.a  Matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding Northumberland Paramedics 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Bargaining Update (Paramedics)' (Item going direct to Council)

         Municipal Act, Section 239.(2.d) 

16.b  Matters pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential negotiations (310 Division Street, Cobourg) (Item going direct to Council)

Municipal Act Sections 239. (2.f) and (2.k)

16.c  Economic Development, Tourism and Land Use Planning Committee Meeting (June 5, 2024), Closed Session Item 4.a, 'Matters pertaining to confidential negotiations regarding broadband' (Item from Standing Committee Requiring Separate Discussion)

Municipal Act, Sections 239.(2.k)

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council proceed with the next portion of the meeting being closed to the public at _______a.m./p.m.; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239. (2.d) in order to address matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Bargaining Update (Northumberland Paramedics)', and that Jennifer Moore, Susan Brown, Lisa Ainsworth, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Sections 239. (2.f) and (2.k) in order to address matters pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential negotiations (310 Division Street, Cobourg), and that Jennifer Moore, Lisa Horne, Darrell Mast, Glenn Dees, Denise Marshall, Rebecca Carman, Bill Smith, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(2.k) in order to address confidential negotiations regarding broadband, and that Jennifer Moore, Dan Borowec, Dwayne Campbell, TJ Flynn, Maddison Mather and Cheryl Sanders remain present."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council rise from Closed Session at _____ a.m./p.m.; and

    Further That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Bargaining Update (Northumberland Paramedics)' is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including  communications necessary for that purpose and confidential negotiations (310 Division Street, Cobourg) is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding confidential negotiations regarding broadband is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

[If required]


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 27-2024 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of County Council held on June 19, 2024 be introduced, be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, be passed, signed and sealed."


  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adjourn at ___________ p.m."

No Item Selected