“That the Public Works Committee, having considered Report 2024-055 ‘Tribute (Cobourg) Limited – Completion of Elgin Street Works’, recommend that County Council approve the reimbursement of $213,214.71, including non-recoverable HST, to Tribute (Cobourg) Limited, for infrastructure work completed on Elgin Street West, Cobourg, noting that this work is included in Northumberland County’s Development Charge Background Study; and
Further That the Committee recommend that County Council approve $27,248.84 to be funded from County Development Charges and the remaining $185,965.87 be funded from the general reserve; and
Further That the Committee recommend that County Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance / Treasurer, with the advice of the Municipal Solicitor, to execute any agreements with Tribute (Cobourg) Limited for the purposes of reimbursements described in Report 2024-055.”