"That the Economic Development, Tourism, and Land Use Planning Committee having considered the correspondence from the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 'Request for Deferred Approval of Adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 1' recommend that County Council direct staff to prepare a response letter to Minister Calandra to suggest an alternative approach wherein Northumberland County will draft modifications for Adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 1 to ensure alignment with the new Provincial Planning Statement, 2024, for the Minister’s consideration, and
Further That the Committee recommend that County Council direct staff to prepare a report outlining the modifications required for Adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 1 for Council’s consideration; and
Further That the Committee recommend that County Council direct staff to hold a public meeting to present the draft modifications and provide the public and interested parties the opportunity to provide input; and
Further That the Committee recommend that County Council direct staff to respectfully request the Minister’s approval for Adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 1, as proposed to be modified in a manner that considers both the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024, and any comments received from the public and interested parties.”