The Corporation of the County of Northumberland
Community Health Committee

Council Chambers
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Virtual)  

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This Committee meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. The public is invited to attend in-person in Council Chambers. Alternatively, the public may view the Committee meeting via live stream, join online, or join by phone using Zoom Conference technology. If you have any questions, please email

  • Attend in-person in Council Chambers, located at 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg
  • Watch a livestream by visiting
  • Join online using Zoom
  • Join by phone using Zoom






  • Recommended Motion:

    "That the agenda for the July 30, 2024 Community Health Committee be approved."






  • Recommended Motion:

    Whereas the state of health care in Ontario is in crisis, with 2.3 million Ontarians lacking access to a family doctor, emergency room closures across the province, patients being de-rostered and 40% of family doctors considering retirement over the next five years; and

    Whereas it has becoming increasingly challenging to attract and retain an adequate healthcare workforce throughout the health sector across Ontario; and

    Whereas Ontario municipal governments play an integral role in the health care system through responsibilities in public health, long-term care, paramedicine, and other investments; and

    Whereas the percentage of family physicians practicing comprehensive family medicine has declined from 77 in 2008 to 65 percent in 2022; and

    Whereas per capita health-care spending in Ontario is the lowest of all provinces in Canada, and

    Whereas a robust workforce developed through a provincial, sector-wide health human resources strategy would significantly improve access to health services across the province;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Community Health Committee, having considered the correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA), recommend that County Council support this correspondence and urge the Province of Ontario to recognize the physician shortage in Northumberland County and Ontario, to fund health care appropriately, and ensure every Ontarian has access to physician care; and

    Further Be It Resolved That the Committee Health Committee recommend that County Council direct staff to send a copy of this resolution to key stakeholders, including the Honourable Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario), the Honourable Sylvia Jones (Deputy Premier and Minister of Health), the Honourable Paul Calandra (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing), the Honourable David Piccini (Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and MPP for Northumberland - Peterborough South), AMO, OMA, the Ontario Health Team of Northumberland, and Northumberland County’s seven Member Municipalities.”



Matthew Nitsch, Director Finance / Treasurer

  • Recommended Motion:

    "That the Community Health Committee receive the Quarter 2, 2024 Financial Analyses of the Golden Plough Lodge and Northumberland Paramedics Departments for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive the Quarter 2, 2024 Financial Analyses for information."

Susan Brown, Chief Northumberland Paramedics
Keith Barrett, Deputy Chief of Operations 

  • Recommended Motion:

    That the Community Health Committee receive Report 2024-085 'Northumberland Paramedics - 2024 Semi-annual Report’ for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive this report for information.”

Kim Wilkinson, Community Paramedic Coordinator 

[Presentation was added to the agenda prior to the meeting]

  • Recommended Motion:

    That the Community Health Committee receive Report 2024-086 ‘Northumberland Community Paramedic - 2024 Semi-annual Report’ for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive this report for information.”

Alanna Clark, Administrator

  • Recommended Motion:

    That the Community Health Committee receive Report 2024-087 ‘2024 Ministry of Long-Term Care Inspection Reports Update’ for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive this report for information.”

  • Recommended Motion:

    "That the Community Health Committee receive the minutes from the March 21, 2024, April 18, 2024 and May 16, 2024 HKPR District Health Unit Board of Health Meetings and May 16, 2024 and June 20, 2024 Summary Reports for information; and

    Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive the minutes and summary report for information."




  • Recommended Motion:

    "That this Committee proceed with the next portion of the meeting being closed to the public at _______a.m.; and 

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239. (2.d) in order to address matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Collective Agreement Update (Northumberland Paramedics)', and that Jennifer Moore, Susan Brown, Lisa Ainsworth, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present."

  • Recommended Motion:

    "That this Committee rise from Closed Session at _____ a.m.; and

    Further That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Collective Agreement (Northumberland Paramedics), is hereby referred to the Community Health Committee, which refers it to County Council for adoption."


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