The Corporation of the County of Northumberland
County Council Meeting

Council Chambers
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Virtual)

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Meeting ID: 826 8599 0085

Passcode: 730008

Phone: 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free





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This Council meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. The public is invited to attend in-person in Council Chambers. Alternatively, the public may view the Council meeting via live stream, join online, or join by phone using Zoom Conference technology. If you have any questions, please email

  • Attend in-person in Council Chambers, located at 555
    Courthouse Road, Cobourg
  • Watch a livestream by visiting
  • Join online using Zoom
  • Join by phone using Zoom








  • Recommended Motion

    "That the County Council Agenda for Wednesday, March 20, 2024 be approved."







  • Recommended Motion

    "That the Minutes of the County Council Session of February 21, 2024 and the minutes of the Special County Council Sessions of March 6, 2024 and March 14, 2024 be approved as distributed and the determinations contained therein be deemed those of Council."






  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adopt all recommendations from the five Standing Committees, as contained within the Committee Minutes (meetings held March 5 and 6, 2024), with the exception of the following items (referenced from the Standing Committee Minutes), that will be held for discussion:



    And Further That the items listed above and held for separate discussion each require a separate resolution."






Colleen McCabe, Health, Safety, Emergency Risk Manager

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the presentation regarding '2024 Total Solar Eclipse' for information."

Kate Campbell, Director Information Technology & Communications
Rebecca Carman, Associate Director Housing & Homelessness

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas at the January 24, 2024 County Council meeting, Council adopted the recommendation from the January 10, 2024 Social Services Committee meeting, directing staff to provide a report on the thematic analysis of feedback gathered through community engagement pertaining to the modernization of shelter services at 310 Division Street, Cobourg; 

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That County Council, having considered Report 2024-044 'Community Engagement on Modernization of Shelter Services at 310 Division Street, Cobourg and Thematic Analysis of Feedback', direct staff to address identified recommendations in agreements and plans for shelter services at 310 Division Street, in line with budget and operational parameters, to support successful integration of the shelter within the neighbourhood and the broader community.”

CAO Jennifer Moore

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the verbal update regarding the Northumberland CAOs' Committee for information."


  • Recommended Motion

    That County Council proclaim the following proclamations at the March 20, 2024 County Council meeting;

    •    Proclamation, 'Amyloidosis Awareness Month' - March 2024
    •    Proclamation, 'National Volunteer Week' - April 14 - 20, 2024
    •    Proclamation, 'Dig Safe Month' - April 1 - 30, 2024.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas March is Amyloidosis Awareness Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness, funding research, and supporting those living with amyloidosis and their loved ones; and

    Whereas Amyloidosis is a group of diseases that occurs when an abnormal protein, known as amyloid, builds up in the tissues and organs of the body, and if left untreated, the disease can result in organ failure and can be fatal; and

    Whereas Amyloidosis can mimic the signs and symptoms of more common medical conditions and the disease can be challenging to diagnose; and

    Whereas Amyloidosis often affects people who are older or middle aged; however, younger people have been diagnosed with this disease; and

    Whereas some of the signs and symptoms of amyloidosis can include shortness of breath, weight loss, fatigue, swelling in the ankles and legs, numbness in the hands and feet, foamy urine, carpal tunnel syndrome, bruising around the eyes, and an enlarged tongue; and

    Whereas early diagnosis can lead to better outcomes for both patients and their families; and

    Whereas raising awareness about all the amyloidosis diseases, including hereditary and non-hereditary forms of the disease, can contribute to the building of healthier communities across Canada;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 to be ‘Amyloidosis Awareness Month’ in Northumberland County.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas Millions of Canadians generously devote their time to both formal and informal volunteering, contributing billions of volunteers hours each year; and

    Whereas volunteers in Northumberland County mentor our children, beautify our green spaces, improve patient and client experience, support those feeling isolated, act to foster a more equitable and inclusive society, and fundraise for our charitable organizations; and

    Whereas Northumberland County is enriched by the diverse and dedicated volunteers comprising of families, individuals, workers, retirees, and community members of all ages and backgrounds, whose contributions make Northumberland County a more desirable place to live, work and visit; and

    Whereas the Corporation of the County of Northumberland is fortunate to have dedicated volunteers who contribute to the operation of our Food 4 All Warehouse, our Business & Entrepreneurship Centre, our Golden Plough Lodge Long-term Care Home, our County Archives and Museum, our County Forest and our Waste and Recycling Programs;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim April 14 – 20, 2024 to be ‘National Volunteer week’ in Northumberland County.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas annual damages to Ontario’s underground infrastructure caused by excavation events number in excess of 4,500 per year; and

    Whereas these events cause negative impacts to the Ontario public and our province’s economy; and

    Whereas the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA), formed in 2003, whose purpose is to enhance public safety and utility infrastructure reliability through a unified approach to effective and efficient damage  prevention, consists of some 500 members dedicated to this purpose, including Ontario1Call; and

    Whereas the Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) and the ORCGA have worked collaboratively to produce the ‘Underground Infrastructure Damage Prevention – Best Practices’ handbook to assist in reducing infrastructure
    damage associated with excavations; and

    Whereas the ORCGA annually promotes many educational events across its thirteen (13) Geographic Councils which cover all of Ontario, including the Dig Safe Kick‐Offs in April and ‘April is Dig Safe Month’, to raise awareness of the importance of proper excavation practices;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim April 1-30, 2024 to be ‘Dig Safe Month’ in Northumberland County.”





16.a.  Matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding Northumberland Paramedics 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Collective Bargaining (Paramedics)' (Item going direct to Council)

         Municipal Act, Section 239.(2.d) 

16.b  Matters Pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential negotiations (310 Division Street, Cobourg) (Item going direct to Council)

Municipal Act Sections 239. (2.f) and (2.k)

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council proceed with the next portion of the meeting being closed to the public at _______a.m./p.m.; and 

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239. (2.d) in order to address matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Collective Bargaining (Northumberland Paramedics)', and that Jennifer Moore, Susan Brown, Lisa Ainsworth, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Sections 239. (2.f) and (2.k) in order to address matters pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential negotiations (310 Division Street, Cobourg), and that John Fox, Jennifer Moore, Lisa Horne, Kate Campbell, Darrell Mast, Rebecca Carman, Bill Smith, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present."


    [If required, for any business held from discussion from the Standing Committees]

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(_____) in order to address matters pertaining to _________________________, and that Jennifer Moore, ____Name(s)_____,
    Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present."


[If Required]

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council rise from Closed Session at _____ a.m./p.m.; and

    Further That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to labour relations or employee negotiations regarding 'OPSEU / SEFPO Local 381 – 2024 Collective Bargaining (Northumberland Paramedics)' is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council rise at _____ a.m./p.m.; and

    Further That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential negotiations (310 Division Street, Cobourg) is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 14-2024 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of County Council held on March 20, 2024 be introduced, be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, be passed, signed and sealed."


  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adjourn at ___________ a.m./p.m."