The Corporation of the County of Northumberland
County Council Meeting

Council Chambers
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Virtual)

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This Council meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. The public is invited to attend in-person in Council Chambers. Alternatively, the public may view the Council meeting via live stream, join online, or join by phone using Zoom Conference technology. If you have any questions, please email

  • Attend in-person in Council Chambers, located at 555
    Courthouse Road, Cobourg
  • Watch a livestream by visiting
  • Join online using Zoom
  • Join by phone using Zoom


  • New Business Item 13.a 'Report 2024-119 'Police Services Review' - Presentation' will take place at 9:35 a.m. 
  • Closed Session Item 17.a 'Council Education and Training - Cybersecurity Awareness Training' will take place at 1:00 p.m.








  • Recommended Motion

    "That the County Council Agenda for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 be approved."







  • Recommended Motion

    "That the minutes of the County Council meeting of August 14, 2024 and Special County Council meeting of September 9, 2024 be approved as distributed and the determinations contained therein be deemed those of Council."






  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adopt all recommendations from the four Standing Committees, as contained within the Committee Minutes (meetings held September 3, 4 and 5, 2024), with the exception of the following items (referenced from the Standing Committee Minutes), that will be held for discussion:


    And Further That the items listed above and held for separate discussion each require a separate resolution."

  • Recommended Motion

    "Whereas the Community Health Committee (September 3, 2024) recommended that County Council identify this item for separate discussion at the September 18, 2024 County Council meeting, the item being 'Correspondence, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury - Ontario Long Service Medals Resolution';

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That County Council receive the correspondence for information."



[If required]


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 32-2024 being a By-law to Encourage Pre-Consultation for Development Applications Submitted to Northumberland County and to Repeal By-law 2015-23 be introduced, deemed to be read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed this 18th day of September, 2024."

[By-law updated, as recommended by the Public Works Committee at the September 5, 2025 meeting]

  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 33-2024 being a By-law to Amend By-law 22-2022, being a By-law to Prescribe the Maximum Rate of Speed for Highways Under the Jurisdiction of the County of Northumberland, in order to Update the Maximum Rate of Speed on County Roads be introduced, deemed to be read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed this 18th day of September, 2024."



**Timed Item for 9:35 a.m.**

Matthew Nitsch, Director Finance / Treasurer
Sabine Matheson, Engagement Principal, StrategyCorp
Brian Teefy, Vice President, StrategyCorp

[Report was added to the agenda prior to the meeting]

Kate Campbell, Director Communications & Information Technology

  • Recommended Motion

    That County Council receive Report 2024-120 ‘Northumberland County Agreement with the Municipality of Trent Hills for IT Managed Services’, for information.” 

Warden Brian Ostrander

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the correspondence from the EOWC regarding the 2024 AMO Conference for information."


  • Recommended Motion

    That County Council proclaim the following proclamations at the September 18, 2024 County Council meeting:

    • Rail Safety Week - September 23 to 29, 2024;
    • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - September 30, 2024;
    • Ontario Agriculture Week - October 6 to 12, 2024;
    • World Homeless Day – October 10, 2024;
    • Local Government Week - October 13 to 19, 2024;
    • Cyber Security Awareness Month - October 2024; and
    • Hispanic Heritage Month - October 2024."
  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada from September 23 to 29, 2024; and

    Whereas 229 railway crossing and trespassing incidents occurred in Canada in 2023; resulting in 66 avoidable fatalities and 39 avoidable serious injuries; and

    Whereas educating and informing the public about rail safety (reminding the public that railway rights-of-way are private property, enhancing public awareness of the dangers associated with highway rail grade crossings, ensuring pedestrians and motorists are looking and listening while near railways, and obeying established traffic laws) will reduce the number of avoidable fatalities and injuries cause by incidents involving trains and citizens; and

    Whereas Operation Lifesaver is a public / private partnership whose aim is to work with the public, rail industry, governments, police services, media and others to raise rail safety awareness; and

    Whereas CN and Operation Lifesaver have requested municipalities adopt this resolution in support of its ongoing efforts to raise awareness, save lives and prevent injuries in communities, including our municipality;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim September 23 to 29, 2024 as ‘Rail Safety Week’ in Northumberland County.”

An application for the community flag pole was also submitted for ‘National Day for Truth and Reconciliation’

•Every Child Matters flag raised on September 30, 2024 to October 4, 2024 

•Provided for information only

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas the Government of Canada has established September 30th as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #80, to acknowledge the tragic history and damage inflicted by the legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential School System; and

    Whereas this day commemorates and honours the children from Indigenous communities who never returned home, and recognizes the resilience, dignity, and strength of survivors, intergenerational survivors, families and communities; and

    Whereas publicly commemorating the tragic and painful history, as well as the ongoing impact of residential schools, is a crucial part of Canada’s reconciliation process; and

    Whereas the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action offer essential guidance to individuals and governments in addressing the legacy of residential schools and promoting reconciliation; and

    Whereas Northumberland County is dedicated to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action relating to municipalities;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim September 30th to be ‘National Day for Truth and Reconciliation’ in Northumberland County; and

    Further Be it Resolved That Council urges Northumberland residents to observe this day with reflection and action to build understanding of our shared history with Indigenous Peoples, and by acknowledging the truths of our past, we strengthen our commitment to a future founded on respect, unity, and understanding.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas the week of October 6 to 12, 2024 is recognized as Ontario Agriculture Week; and

    Whereas Ontario Agriculture Week is a time to celebrate food and farming across the province, and all of the farm families and producers who work tirelessly to provide an abundance of nutritious local food in Ontario; and

    Whereas Ontario farmers proudly grow and produce food commodities for local and international markets; and

    Whereas agriculture and food are the largest contributor to the economy of Northumberland County;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim the week of October 6 to 12, 2024 as ‘Ontario Agriculture Week’ in Northumberland County and encourage all citizens to support Ontario farmers by buying locally grown products.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas World Homeless Day, observed annually on October 10th, is a day dedicated to raising awareness and promoting action to address the plight of homelessness around the world, including right here in Northumberland; and 

    Whereas Communities in Ontario are seeing a rise in the scope, visibility, and complexity of homelessness; and

    Whereas Ontario’s municipalities are committed to ensuring safe, secure, and affordable housing for all residents and recognize the need for collaborative efforts with provincial and federal partners to effectively address and eradicate homelessness; and

    Whereas Ontario’s municipalities are ready to work with provincial and federal partners to end both homeless encampments and chronic homelessness in Ontario; and

    Whereas it is essential to implement comprehensive strategies that include prevention, emergency response, and long-term solutions to end homelessness, ensuring that every individual has access to the support and services they need to thrive; 

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council do hereby proclaim October 10th to be ‘World Homeless Day’ in Northumberland County;

    Further Be it Resolved That County Council encourages residents, businesses, and community organizations to join us in recognizing this important day and to continue to collectively work together to end homelessness in Northumberland and across Ontario, standing ready to collaborate with our provincial and federal partners, dedicating ourselves to creating a future where homelessness is a thing of the past.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas the week of October 13 – 19, 2024, has been designated as Local Government Week in Ontario, creating an opportunity to reflect on and recognize the essential services delivered by municipal governments; and

    Whereas this week celebrates the significant impact of these services on the daily lives of residents across Ontario; and

    Whereas municipal governments are instrumental in shaping the identity, priorities, infrastructure, and overall well-being of communities throughout Ontario;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim October 13 – 19 to be ‘Local Government Week’ in Northumberland County.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas the month of October is recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month; and

    Whereas Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October to promote cybersecurity; and

    Whereas digital technology plays a central role in our everyday lives and can have far-reaching security, economic and social impacts; and

    Whereas there is an increasing threat of cyber attacks and risks to our privacy; and

    Whereas the internet is a shared resource and securing it is a shared responsibility;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim October 2024 as ‘Cybersecurity Awareness Month’ in Northumberland County, noting that the County acknowledges its responsibility by taking a proactive and adaptive approach to protect its digital assets and IT infrastructure and is committed to making long-term investments to reach our security goals.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas the Government of Ontario has proclaimed the month of October as Hispanic Heritage Month in Ontario; and

    Whereas Ontario is home to more than 400,000 first, second, and third generation Canadians of Hispanic origin; and

    Whereas the Hispanic Community is one of the fastest growing in Ontario; and

    Whereas Northumberland County is home to a flourishing Hispanic population; and

    Whereas Northumberland County Council recognizes the contributions of a thriving immigrant community to a strong and vibrant Northumberland County; and

    Whereas the Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club (NHCC) is aimed at supporting the Hispanic community as well as educating people on the diversity of the Hispanic culture and traditions in Northumberland County; and

    Whereas NHCC is organizing a series of events in Northumberland County in order to promote and celebrate Hispanic Heritage month;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim the month of October, 2024 as ‘Hispanic Heritage Month’ in Northumberland County, and encourage all citizens to learn more about Hispanic culture by partaking in community events; and

    Further Be It Resolved That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Northumberland Hispanic Cultural Club, the Honourable David Piccini (Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and MPP for Northumberland—Peterborough South), MP Philip Lawrence (Northumberland—Peterborough South), and Northumberland County’s seven member municipalities.”





16.a Council Education and Training - 'Cybersecurity Awareness Training' by Frank Fazio, Cybersecurity Expert (Item going directly to Council)

**Timed Item for 1:00 p.m.**

Municipal Act Section 239. (3.1)

16.b Matters pertaining to personal matters about identifiable individuals (Northumberland County Housing Corporation – Appointment of Directors)' (Item going directly to Council) 

Municipal Act Section 239.(2.b) 

16.c Community Health Committee (September 3, 2024), Closed Session Item 4.b, 'Matters pertaining to information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by another level of government regarding funding' (Item from Standing Committee Requiring Separate Discussion)

Municipal Act Section 239.(2.h)

16.d Economic Development, Tourism, and Land Use Planning Committee (September 4, 2024), Closed Session Item 4.a, 'Matters pertaining to confidential negotiations regarding broadband' (Item from Standing Committee Requiring Separate Discussion)

Municipal Act Section 239.(2.k)

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council proceed with the next portion of the meeting being closed to the public at _______ a.m./p.m.; and 

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239 (3.1) in order to address matters pertaining to the education and training of Council Members ('Cybersecurity Awareness Training by Frank Fazio, Cybersecurity Expert') and that Frank Fazio, Jennifer Moore, Kate Campbell, Susan Brown, Lisa Horne, Dan Borowec, Glenn Dees, Denise Marshall, Matthew Nitsch, Dwayne Campbell, Hitanshu Chodha, Shola Yusuf - Aliyu, Maddison Mather and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(2.b) in order to address matters pertaining to personal matters about identifiable individuals (Northumberland County Housing Corporation – Appointment of Directors) and that Jennifer Moore, Lisa Horne, Glenn Dees, Rebecca Carman, Neil Ellis, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(2.h) in order to address matters pertaining to information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by another level of government regarding funding, and that Jennifer Moore, Susan Brown, Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239. (2.k) in order to address matters pertaining to confidential negotiations regarding broadband, and that Jennifer Moore, Dan Borowec, Dwayne Campbell, TJ Flynn, Maddison Mather and Cheryl Sanders remain present."


    [If required, for any business held from discussion from the Standing Committees]

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(_____) in order to address matters pertaining to _________________________, and that Jennifer Moore, ____Name(s)_____,
    Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present."


Reporting out:

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council rise from Closed Session at _____  p.m."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council appoint ____________________ and ____________________ to the Northumberland
    County Housing Corporation (NCHC) Board of Directors effective September 18, 2024."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by another level of government regarding funding, is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to confidential negotiations regarding broadband, is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."



[If required]


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 34-2024 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of County Council held on September 18, 2024 be introduced, be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, be passed, signed and sealed."


  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adjourn at ___________ p.m."

No Item Selected