“Whereas there is an unprecedented national housing affordability crisis nationally; and
Whereas there is no for-profit supply-only trickle-down solution to ending the national housing affordability crisis; and
Whereas substantial investments in ensuring the use of housing for homes are required to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and
Whereas substantial investments in new affordable social housing are required to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and
Whereas substantial investments in revitalizing existing affordable social housing are required to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and
Whereas substantial investments in social support expansions are required to prevent families choosing between housing and other basic necessities of life to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and
Whereas the national housing affordability crisis is most acute in Ontario; and
Whereas unlike most Provinces and Territories in Canada, 47 Service Managers and District Social Service Administration Boards (SM/DSSAB) are responsible for delivering social supports, including housing affordability supports in Ontario; and
Whereas many of these 47 SM/DSSABs in Ontario are larger than many provinces and territories in the country; and
Whereas these 47 SM/DSSABs in Ontario lack the revenue and policy tools and powers of the Provincial and Federal governments to end the housing affordability crisis; and
Whereas any reductions in funding from the Federal and Provincial governments risks the termination of critically needed housing and social supports for some of the most vulnerable across Ontario;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That County Council, having considered Report 2024-064 ‘National Housing Strategy Funding Interruption’, authorize the Warden to advocate to the Federal and Provincial governments that the funding dispute must be resolved to limit mounting harms to some of Ontario’s most vulnerable families; and
Further Be It Resolved That County Council authorize the Warden to send urgent correspondence to the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Housing to confirm that financial support will continue for vulnerable households across Ontario currently in receipt of the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit prior to May 31, 2024; and
Further Be It Resolved That County Council authorize the Warden to advocate to the Federal and Provincial governments to continue to fund SMs/DSSABs an amount equivalent to the monies under the CMHC-Ontario Bilateral agreement in the National Housing Strategy until a new funding agreement can be reached; and
Further Be It Resolved That County Council authorize the Warden to advocate to the Federal and Provincial governments to establish a trilateral table including the SMs/DSSABs, to negotiate the final 3-year tranche of funding under the National Housing Strategy.”