The Corporation of the County of Northumberland
County Council Meeting

Council Chambers
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and Virtual)

Zoom Information

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Meeting ID: 835 8775 5565

Passcode: 378954

Phone: 1-855-703-8985 Canada Toll-free





If you require this information in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at [email protected] or 1-800-354-7050 ext 2327.



This Council meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model. The public is invited to attend in-person in Council Chambers. Alternatively, the public may view the Council meeting via live stream, join online, or join by phone using Zoom Conference technology. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

  • Attend in-person in Council Chambers, located at 555
    Courthouse Road, Cobourg
  • Watch a livestream by visiting
  • Join online using Zoom
  • Join by phone using Zoom








  • Recommended Motion

    "That the County Council Agenda for Wednesday, May 15, 2024 be approved."






  • Recommended Motion

    "That the Minutes of the County Council Session of April 17, 2024 and the Special County Council Session of April 29, 2024 be approved as distributed and the determinations contained therein be deemed those of Council."




  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the correspondence from the Honourable Sean Fraser (Federal Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities) regarding 'National Housing Strategy' for information."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That County Council receive the correspondence from the Honourable Paul Calandra (Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing) regarding 'National Housing Strategy' for information."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adopt all recommendations from the three Standing Committees, as contained within the Committee Minutes (meetings held April 29, 30 and May 1, 2024), with the exception of the following items (referenced from the Standing Committee Minutes), that will be held for discussion:



    And Further That the items listed above and held for separate discussion each require a separate resolution."

  1. Economic Development, Tourism and Land Use Planning Committee Meeting (May 1, 2024), Closed Session Item 4.a, 'Matters pertaining to confidential negotiations regarding broadband'

[Item will be considered in Closed Session]



[If required]


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 23-2024 being a By-law to Appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the County of Northumberland be introduced, deemed to be read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed this 15th of May, 2024."



Rebecca Carman, Associate Director Housing & Homelessness

  • Recommended Motion

    That County Council, having considered Report 2024-063 ‘NCHC Annual General Meeting – May 22, 2024’, authorize Jennifer Moore, Chief Administrative Officer to act on behalf of the Shareholder in the confirmation of the Corporation’s Directors at the Northumberland County Housing (NCHC) Annual General Meeting on May 22, 2024.”

Rebecca Carman, Associate Director Housing & Homelessness

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas there is an unprecedented national housing affordability crisis nationally; and

    Whereas there is no for-profit supply-only trickle-down solution to ending the national housing affordability crisis; and

    Whereas substantial investments in ensuring the use of housing for homes are required to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and

    Whereas substantial investments in new affordable social housing are required to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and

    Whereas substantial investments in revitalizing existing affordable social housing are required to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and

    Whereas substantial investments in social support expansions are required to prevent families choosing between housing and other basic necessities of life to help end the national housing affordability crisis; and

    Whereas the national housing affordability crisis is most acute in Ontario; and

    Whereas unlike most Provinces and Territories in Canada, 47 Service Managers and District Social Service Administration Boards (SM/DSSAB) are responsible for delivering social supports, including housing affordability supports in Ontario; and

    Whereas many of these 47 SM/DSSABs in Ontario are larger than many provinces and territories in the country; and

    Whereas these 47 SM/DSSABs in Ontario lack the revenue and policy tools and powers of the Provincial and Federal governments to end the housing affordability crisis; and

    Whereas any reductions in funding from the Federal and Provincial governments risks the termination of critically needed housing and social supports for some of the most vulnerable across Ontario; 

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That County Council, having considered Report 2024-064 ‘National Housing Strategy Funding Interruption’, authorize the Warden to advocate to the Federal and Provincial governments that the funding dispute must be resolved to limit mounting harms to some of Ontario’s most vulnerable families; and

    Further Be It Resolved That County Council authorize the Warden to send urgent correspondence to the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Housing to confirm that financial support will continue for vulnerable households across Ontario currently in receipt of the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit prior to May 31, 2024; and

    Further Be It Resolved That County Council authorize the Warden to advocate to the Federal and Provincial governments to continue to fund SMs/DSSABs an amount equivalent to the monies under the CMHC-Ontario Bilateral agreement in the National Housing Strategy until a new funding agreement can be reached; and 

    Further Be It Resolved That County Council authorize the Warden to advocate to the Federal and Provincial governments to establish a trilateral table including the SMs/DSSABs, to negotiate the final 3-year tranche of funding under the National Housing Strategy.”


  • Recommended Motion

    That County Council proclaim the following proclamations at the May 15, 2024 County Council meeting:

    • Proclamation, '2024 Proclamation Paramedic Services Week' - May 19 to 25, 2024;
    • Proclamation, 'National Public Works Week' - May 19 to 25, 2024;
    • Proclamation, 'National AccessAbility Week' - May 26 to June 1, 2024;
    • Proclamation, 'National Indigenous History Month' - June, 2024 and 'National Indigenous Peoples Day' - June 21, 2024;
    • Proclamation, 'Pride Month' - June, 2024; and
    • Proclamation, 'Seniors Month' - June, 2024."
  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas one week in May of each year is recognized across North America as ‘Paramedic Services Week’ by municipalities, Paramedic organizations and associations, as well as other levels of government; and

    Whereas the 2023 Paramedic Services Week is May 19-25, 2024; and

    Whereas the theme for this year is Help Us, Help You; and

    Whereas paramedics dedicate their lives to public service, and their skills often make the difference between life and death; and 

    Whereas the services, dedication and commitment of our highly trained Paramedics deserves to be recognized and honoured; and 

    Whereas Northumberland County wishes to recognize the important contribution of the 130 full-time and part-time Paramedics who work out of six bases across the County, the Community Paramedic program, as well as recognize the Paramedics across Canada; 

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim May 19-25, 2024, as ‘Paramedic Services Week’ in Northumberland County, and urge our fellow community members to recognize the vital contributions provided by all Paramedics in Northumberland.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas public works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life and well-being of the people of the County of Northumberland; and

    Whereas these infrastructure, facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of public works professionals, who are engineers, managers, and employees at all levels of government and the private sector, who are responsible for re-building, improving, and protecting our nation’s transportation, water supply, water treatment and solid waste systems, public buildings, and other structures and facilities essential for our citizens; and

    Whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens, civic leaders, and children in the County of Northumberland to gain knowledge of and to maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of public works and public works programs in their respective communities; and

    Whereas the year 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works Week sponsored by the Canadian/American Public Works Association;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim May 19 to 25, 2024 to be ‘National Public Works Week’ in Northumberland County, and urge all citizens to join with representatives of the Canadian Public Works Association/American Public Works Association and government agencies in paying tribute to our public works professionals, engineers, managers, and employees, and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health, safety, and quality of life.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas under the Accessible Canada Act 2019, c. 10 (Section 133), throughout Canada each year, the week starting on the last Sunday in May is to be known as National AccessAbility Week, and is an opportunity to promote accessibility and inclusion across communities and workplaces, and a time to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities and to be inspired to further break down barriers; and

    Whereas a national accessibility week was first established following Paralympian Rick Hanson’s Man in Motion World Tour in 1987; and

    Whereas the County of Northumberland is committed to accessibility; and

    Whereas for the week of May 26 to June 1, 2024, the Northumberland Accessibility Advisory Committee (NAAC) approved a variety of awareness activities, in consultation with Communications; and

    Whereas the theme of “Advocating for an inclusive Northumberland” raises awareness of that the inclusion of people with disabilities on the County’s accessibility advisory committee is essential to advocate for an inclusive Northumberland and amplify the voices of those with lived experience; and

    Whereas the 7 County staff named below were honoured with a “Helping Hands Award” to recognize their efforts at embracing accessibility by going above and beyond mere compliance with accessibility legislation:

    Cara Timmermans, Digital & Document Accessibility Specialist, Communications and Information Technology

      • For excellence in Information and Communications demonstrated by greatly improving the accessibility of the County’s web content, training and supporting staff on accessible digital document creation, improving Council document accessibility, and conducting regular reviews of webpages and documents.

    AJ Wood, Administrative Clerk, Golden Plough Lodge (GPL)

      • For excellence in Customer Service demonstrated by going above and beyond to assist GPL residents, their families and staff with resolving issues. He spends time with residents and offers a helping hand to zip up coats, assist residents to exit and enter the building, and help residents to call their family members
      • For excellence in Information and Communications demonstrated by going out of his way to help residents and families find information and working to update GPL documents to an accessible format.
      • For excellence in Design of Public Spaces demonstrated by ensuring all areas in the front lobby and office areas provide clear pathways for residents who use walkers and wheelchairs.

    Jen Glover, Manager Ontario Works, Community and Social Services

      • For excellence in Information and Communications demonstrated by supporting staff in the development of accessible documents for our public facing websites and staff reports.
      • For excellence in Design of Public Spaces by playing a pivotal role in providing recommendations on design options for Community and Social Services public and staff workspaces and advocating for solutions that foster inclusivity and accessibility.
      • For excellence in Customer Service demonstrated by her commitment to accessibility standards and inclusive practices.

    Ashley Postma, Jackie Diminie, Jaclyn McDougall, and Kathryn Larcher, Customer Service Representatives, Community and Social Services

      • For excellence in Information and Communications demonstrated by their dedication in ensuring all CSS documents and web content are accessible to people of all abilities, actively participating in document remediation and collaborating to establish a streamlined process to manage a substantial volume of documents;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim May 26 to June 1, 2024 to be ‘National AccessAbility Week’ in Northumberland County.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas Northumberland County acknowledges that it is located on the shared treaty and traditional territories of the Michi Saagiig (Mississauga Anishinaabeg) and the Williams Treaties First Nations and is home to Indigenous Peoples from across the region and Canada; and

    Whereas June is recognized as Indigenous Peoples History Month in Canada as an opportunity to bring awareness and understanding of the diverse histories, resilience, and achievements of Indigenous peoples across the country; and

    Whereas June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day, an opportunity to amplify Indigenous voices, and perspectives, enriching our understanding and appreciation of Indigenous cultures and heritage across Turtle Island; and

    Whereas Northumberland County recognizes that meaningful and sustained efforts are required to enact systematic change to create an environment that upholds the rights, dignity, and well-being of Indigenous Peoples; and

    Whereas we recommit our efforts, as an organization and a community, to actively building meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous communities based on respect and cultural understanding and reconciliation to advance inclusivity, diversity and equity on our path of reconciliation;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim June to be National Indigenous Peoples Month and the date of June 21, 2024, as National Indigenous Peoples Day in Northumberland County.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas June is celebrated as Pride Month in Canada and globally, highlighting the importance of embracing diversity, fostering inclusion, and acknowledging the significant social, economic, and cultural contributions of 2SLGBTQI+ individuals in our communities; and

    Whereas during Pride Month, we honour the remarkable courage and resilience demonstrated by 2SLGBTQI+ people across Canada and recommit our efforts to preventing discrimination and advancing inclusion and acceptance for all members of our communities; and

    Whereas Pride Month is an opportunity to celebrate progress while also acknowledging the ongoing challenges in the fight against discrimination and violence based on sexual and gender identity, and reminds us of the importance of advocating for change and continued education and awareness in the fight for equality;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim June to be ‘Pride Month’ in Northumberland County.”

  • Recommended Motion

    Whereas June is recognized as Seniors Month in Ontario – an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions and wisdom of seniors in our communities; and

    Whereas the contributions of seniors to the economic and social health of our communities, and the quality of life we experience in Canada today – which is recognized around the world – merit appreciation and recognition; and

    Whereas seniors serve as leaders, mentors, volunteers, and important active members of Northumberland County; and

    Whereas during this month, we recommit to honouring and supporting seniors, acknowledging their invaluable role in shaping our society;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim June to be ‘Seniors Month’ in Northumberland County.”





16.a.    Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Correspondence to Councillors involving identifiable individuals) (Item deferred from the April 17, 2024 Council meeting)

    Municipal Act, Section 239.(2.b)

16.b.   Litigation or potential litigation matters, advice that is subject to solicitor client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential County infrastructure negotiations (Public Works) (Item going directly to Council)

    Municipal Act, Sections 239.(2.e), (2.f) and (2.k)

16.c.    Economic Development, Tourism and Land Use Planning Committee Meeting (May 1, 2024), Closed Session Item 4.a, 'Matters pertaining to confidential negotiations regarding broadband' (Item from Standing Committee Requiring Separate Discussion)

    Municipal Act, Sections 239.(2.k)

  • Recommended Motion

    "That this Council proceed with the next portion of the meeting being closed to the public at _____ a.m./p.m.; and 

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(b) in order to address matters pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (correspondence to Councillors involving identifiable individuals), and that Jennifer Moore, Darrell Mast, Maddison Mather and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Sections 239.(2.e), (2.f) and (2.k) in order to address matters pertaining to litigation or potential litigation matters, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential County infrastructure negotiations (Public Works), and that Jennifer Moore, Denise Marshall, Darrell Mast, Maddison Mather and Cheryl Sanders remain present; and

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239. (2.k) in order to address confidential negotiations regarding broadband, and that Jennifer Moore, Dan Borowec, Dwayne Campbell, TJ Flynn, Maddison Mather and Cheryl Sanders remain present."


    [If required, for any business held from discussion from the Standing Committees]

    Further That the meeting is closed to the public as permitted under the Municipal Act Section 239.(_____) in order to address matters pertaining to _________________________, and that Jennifer Moore, ____Name(s)_____,
    Maddison Mather, and Cheryl Sanders remain present."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (correspondence to Councillors involving identifiable individuals), is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding matters pertaining to litigation or potential litigation matters, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and confidential County infrastructure negotiations (Public Works), is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."

  • Recommended Motion

    "That the confidential resolution moved in Closed Session regarding confidential negotiations regarding broadband is hereby referred to this open session of Council for adoption."


  • Recommended Motion

    "That By-law 24-2024 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of County Council held on May 15, 2024 be introduced, be deemed to be read a first, second and third time, be passed, signed and sealed."


  • Recommended Motion

    "That Council adjourn at ___________ a.m./p.m."

No Item Selected